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Supportive Contemplative Communities in Australia

"Where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

Matthew 18:20


















































South Australia Contemplative Living Community

In the light of Jesus, we are an ecumenical community dedicated to developing the spiritual dimension of life.  We provide opportunity for people to open to the Spirit of God within, as well as within our world and within the cosmos.


Our world hungers for peace, yet so often we don’t know where or how to find it.  When we enter into the silence of our hearts, the Truth of Being enlightens us in a new way and brings forth new life.



As we meditate on the Word of God in the Universe and in Scripture we discover at the heart of us limitless joy, peace, compassion and love.   We find ourselves responding to a deep call into the Mystery of the God who is Love.  Just as the tiny  acorn holds the secret of the mighty oak (Psalm 80), we discover that each of us holds the secret of boundless love.




Every week we have a community meeting.  We meet twice a month in the southern suburbs of Adelaide and twice a month  on the plains.   We come together for silent prayer, Lectio Divina, shared reflection and share a simple meal  together.  Anyone attracted to the contemplative life is very welcome to join us.


We offer a Spiritual Formation Program which runs weekly from March to November.  We  include  a couple of short breaks and we conclude with a ten day live in centering prayer retreat. This course gets us in touch with who we are, our relationship with God, our relationship with each    other and our relationship with  our world. It  encourages a commitment to a contemplative practice and opens us to grow within the context of  community.  This course has transformed the lives of many people.


We also offer two day week-end live in retreats during the course of the year.  These retreats

are for anyone interested in the contemplative life.  They serve as an introduction to contemplative prayer but are also nourishing for anyone who is already on the contemplative path.




We are an evolving and growing community and are committed to serve wherever called. 

We are open to offer one day retreats or  introductory sessions with

¨ school communities (staff or students),

¨ faith communities,

¨ other organizations.


We have small centering prayer groups at  Noarlunga, Willunga, Henley Beach and West Lakes with further possibilities developing.  Some meet daily and others weekly.  If you would like to become part of one of these small groups please contact us for details.


Contemplative Living Community

Contact us:


                  Tom Gleeson  -  8557 1072

                  Annemarie Reiner  -  8356 9933 / 0404 037 022

                  Email enquiries:


Planning Team:

Tom Gleeson 8557 1072

Annemarie Reiner 8356 9933/0404 037 022

Peter Jeffries 8298 9877

Jasmine Linke 8353 6528


To download a copy of our flyer, please click on 








Other Virtual Contemplative Communities

There are four online contemplative communities for those interested in learning Centering Prayer or already practicing it as taught by Fr. Thomas Keating OCSO and Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. Those interested may apply at any time.

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